
Starseed Confessions

Welcome to my blog. I started walking my path in 2014. I follow a native path but since I have learned that I am an Orion Starseed. I have mission on this earth to help as many people as I can heal. I hope my journey can help and guide you. This world is crazy at the moment and if you are awaking and need help, I am here to help you. Love and Light…Namaste

Drew Barrymore once said, to write well you must write what you know, never been kissed, I believe the name of the movie was, good movie. This, dear readers is what I know. There’s more to this world than what you see with the naked eye. There is a world beyond the vail. Open your heart and see the world for what it truly is.

As I navigate through this life I sometimes wonder what would happen if I chose a different path. Would this website have came out years ago? I recently came to the realization that I chose the path I walked at the young age of 16. I turned 16 in 1996. A man came to me in a dream. He opened his hand and there inside was 2 little pills. One was white the other gold with a cross. I chose the gold one and sent my life down a road to discover self love and the Christ conscience within myself. I chose to wake up. It took me my whole life to realize I am a Starseed. A chosen one. I say here at 44 years old and I can tell you the world is not what they want you to believe. From birth we are programmed to believe in what they tell us. To never question the narrative to fall in line and do as we are told all in search for the American dream.