Starseed Lost

Sitting here I ask myself, What’s the point of this whole experiment. Why try to save something that in my opinion isn’t savable. If most of the people here are NPC’s and the other half are to blind to see through the illusions, then what’s the whole point. Why not stay on our own planets and not come here to forget everything we know. Humans are mean and selfish. We volunteer for this. Horse shit. People don’t care. There so concerned with their own selfish lives to be kind to one another. I get so frustrated. Bottom line is I don’t understand it. There are so many contradicting information out there that It’s hard to distinguish fact from fiction. I’ve been on this spiritual journey for a long time now and all I see is nothing but evil and heartbreak. I’ve been trying to break free from this matrix and you can’t. It is physically impossible to break free. People are going to tell you to keep your vibration high, to focus on love but I ask again What is the point. There is no point. The only thing we can do is focus on our lives. Keep going and hopefully, if we are lucky get the hell out of this before shit really hits the fan. I try to be a good person. I know I am different, I know I have a mission to help other ascend, but how. Maybe I am crazy. They say we create our own realities, well, let me tell you this is not the reality I pictured. To struggle and to have my heart broke over and over time and time again. Repeating the same mistakes and lessons. It’s insanity, its complete madness. They say everyone you meet is a reflection of you. I think that is bullshit. Yeah, I can be a little selfish, but you have to be, and I don’t deliberately go around hurting or using people. It seems like every time I get close to someone, they end up hurting me. Yes, I realize that is the price you pay when you are one of god’s chosen. We must become the alchemist and transmute that pain into power for the greater good. Well, I’m tired of it. If my pain is so that the rest of humanity can rest easy and have a happy life, then I am done. Not really, I don’t have that luxury but throw me a bone universe. I’m tired. Let it be my turn for happiness.

This world is so confusing sometimes. How can some people have everything while others have nothing. How come some people be so happy and others miserable. Why do good people suffer while evil people do not? Is it the choices we make before we are even born. Many spiritual people will tell you that everything that happens to us is because we choose it and it’s written in soul contracts that we sign before we even incarnate to this earth. Why would we choose to struggle, its’s because of the lessons we need to learn that hold us in limbo. We keep repeating the same lessons failing and a repeating until we finally get it. I’m here to tell you as long as you are a good person as long as you do not harm others, and you are kind and loving then we shouldn’t have to keep repeating lessons over and over again.

We are all equal and deserve a life of freedom and happiness. No one has the right to hurt us. No one has the right to keep us from experiencing love and happiness. No one not another person, not the

government no one. We are free to do as we please. To believe in what we want and to love who we want. Nothing will change until we look in the mirror and say I am worthy I am Sovern, and I will fight for what is right.